Die Känguru-Chroniken

Genre: Feature film / Trailer
Année: 2018-2020
Durée: 01:52 min
Description: Film adaptation of the bestseller of the same name by Marc-Uwe Kling, in which he himself is the main character. In his flat share in Kreuzberg, he involuntarily lives together with a talking kangaroo, which out of the blue and without Marc-Uwe being able to do anything about it, has settled down with him one day. The living together of the two is chaotic right from the start, as the kangaroo is a declared supporter of anti-capitalism and communism and skillfully rebels against all kinds of shared flat rules, because to him they are just another form of capitalist oppression. However, the two are united in the fight against the right-wing populist and real estate shark Jörg Dwigs, who threatens the idyll of the neighbourhood with an unwelcome, gigantic construction project. And the kangaroo already has a plan on how to stop Dwigs. But when Marc-Uwe doesn't understand it, the kangaroo quickly forges a second plan, and when that goes wrong, a third. In short: soon enough things couldn't become more chaotic...
Fournisseur: DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum
Droits: In Copyright / X Verleih AG (Berlin)
Director: Dani Levy
Type de document:
Language: de